Monday, January 16, 2006

Run away emotions

OK I am going to explode. I am done pretending I am having a fine day. I feel like total crap, every thing is getting on my nerves. If I hear Natasha cry one more time today I am running out the door and coming back at bed time. I already yelled at her. Yup yelled at a 16 month old baby, what a shitty mom I am. Danny should be thankful he isn't home today, although maybe he should get home and save babycakes from her hideous mother.
I miss my sister so much right now. She would come over here and put me in my place and then share a tub of ice cream with me. She was my one true friend I had out here, just thinking about it makes me cry. I feel like I have no friends, but don't feel like I deserve any right now anyway. Sometimes I wonder what Danny sees in me. I feel weak and pathetic, oh boy I'm rambling. Well blogen is not helping I must sound like a psycho. Sorry I'm done.


Blogger Lori said...

You are not a bad mom. We've ALL done it. It is just that things get overwhelming and there's no one to help out. Moms have the hardest job EVER!!!

Try to relax and take a breather. Have someone watch the kids and go out and have a great workout. Get your mind off of EVERYTHING BUT YOU!!!


1:47 PM  
Blogger Janel said...

Awwwwww, Mari!! Its OK we all have our moments,or weeks, or...well, I wish I could help you and come take Natasha off your hands for a couple hours..She'd have a ball over here and you could go get a facial or something fab like that!! Don't worry, she knows you love her and DANNNY LOVES YOU and you know it!! Get some good rest (Tylenol PM, anyone?) and hopefully things wil be brighter tomorrow!

7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry you were having a bad day yesterday Mari - and that's all it was..a bad day - I can't imagine there is anyone out there that goes through life without having the occasional bad day!! You are a great mom and Lori is is a hard job. I kid my boss somedays, at the end of my day I will say "now I must go home and do the tough job!"

I hope today you're doing better! hugs to you!

10:28 AM  
Blogger Christie said...

Okay, I know for a fact your not a shitty mom...wanna know how I know?? Um, cause I yell everyonce in awhile too, and damn it, I am a great mom...listen to all of us, you are human, you are a wonderful person with are NORMAL!! And you are a great blend, and a great mom!

5:01 PM  
Blogger KC said...

aw, I'm sorry you had such a bad day. We all have them, and it does not make you a bad person. No one expects you to be perfect all the time. Lots of people care about you, and Danny loves you. Chin up. Tomorrow will be better. :))

5:37 PM  

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