Friday, September 22, 2006

Apartment living.....

is luxurious. I was up most of the night to the bass of then man below us. Natasha was up too, between being sick with a cough and being disrupted by the music. I shut off the alarm at 2:00am. I was supposed to run 4 miles and then go to 5:30am cycle class :(.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's hard Mari.

You of course have my empathy, and I hope Natasha is fine. At least in such situations, she has your expert, loving, care to comfort her.

Sorry to here it disrupted your plans, but you're strong and I know you'll come though such things.

GOOD LUCK, because despite such setbacks, you should be so proud of your fantastic achievments and effort.

:-) :-)


8:01 AM  
Blogger Pamela said...

Geeeees Hon that SUCKS ...Hope Natasha is better soon :D

10:18 PM  

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