Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Asthma sucks

I have been wicked busy with little babycakes. She was sick Friday night up every hour. Then I went to work for 16 hours. Danny told me she was sick. Same symptoms as last Febuarey. Sunday I had work off to go into Detroit to watch the Lions. Well, that didn't happen I was home with Natasha. I had to miss work the next day to run her to the doctor. She was bad by then. Sunday we nebulized her at home to save another ER visit. Her prescriptions this time were $53 dollars as opposed to 103 last time, but since she needs another med that goes in the nebulizer with the albuterol I had to buy her a regular generator type. So, no more using Danny's portable. That was covered some and came to $40 dollars. So, she looks better breathing better. Still has purple circles under her eyes and gets a little pasty looking after a breathing treatment. She goes back to the doctor Monday to make sure she is clear. For now she gets 2 oral meds 2x a day a breathing treatment every 4 hours for 3-4 days. Then a breathing treatment every night for the winter. She doing awesome potty training 2 days in row now she stayed dry while we were out and went potty on the public toilet. She has pooped in the potty for 3 days straight now. Sorry T girls are easier.

My step sister sold me a small new hoop for my belly button. It seems good. I had a hard time after having Natasha with the small hole but this starter gauge 18 feels fine. OK have to run and help babycakes. Oh one more funny thing Natasha cries when she sees my belly she thinks it hurts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay Mari, I hope Natasha feels better soon. I am thinking of you, and hoping you've still got some time to think straight now and then.

Best of luck to you, and here's hoping the sun is shining on you today :-).

Take care


P.S. don't go catching that ring on any doorhandles OUCH :-o.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

My neice always thought my bellybutton ring hurt too. She wasn't scared, but she'd pull my shirt up to see it and would say "OWEEEEEE". ;)
Big hugs sent to Natasha, I hope she's feeling better soon!!

5:01 AM  
Blogger KatieFeldmom said...

Poor Natasha! I hope she feels better soon. Take care of yourself too!!!!

9:51 AM  
Blogger Pamela said...

Awwwww poor little duck! take care of Both of you!

12:16 PM  

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