Friday, January 19, 2007

All work and no play.......

Thank you to everyone who checked in on me in my absence. I have been very busy this month, Danny was out of town new years weekend and with work and Natasha it was the start of a busy year. I was training on a new MRI unit January 2nd and still doing my full time job. Now I work 12 hour shifts 2-3 times a week for my contingent job and my 2 16 hours on the weekend for my full time job. I acutely log more hours with my part time job then the full some weeks. With that said I do love it. I am in Detroit and it feels good to help people that really need you. It can get stress full my partner is new and that leaves me in charge of a lot. The company is run by managers that don't know MRI or the health field in general. So, it is a lot but I am contingent so that works for me. I have a class starting February 2nd, nutrition. his is just one of the 2 I need to have done if I do get into nursing school. All my paperwork is turned in for that just waiting for the deadline February 15th, then we find out who's in in March.
So now that I have all this going on maybe I will finely get pregnant. I just had my fallow up with my doctor and on January 10th I got my first cycle that was not some way induced by pills or pregisterion. Crazy how it happens when you change your focus. We are hoping it wont be another year it was last December we decided to try. Where will we be this time next year...who knows? We are looking at getting a house but the location depends on school, babies and jobs. Danny has one more year of school.
I have been trying to keep up with some workouts. I missed the first 2 weeks of the year. I was ok with that since I worked so much and ate very well.

I'll post again but have to run Natasha needs some help.
Miss you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mari, you are going to do fantastically well with everything you've got going on, and I know when the time comes, you will be every inch the fabulous Mother, to the new baby, you have been to Natasha, and then you'll be bringing up two very, very lucky little children.

I couldn't wish any more happiness, success and domestic bliss for you. You have proven just what an amazing young woman you are, and you deserve to be so proud of yourself, with everrything you've done.

Have an awesome year, and lots of luck and wishes to you. I'll be following your every step with the same time honoured support I gave last year :-) :-).


7:56 AM  
Blogger KatieFeldmom said...

WOW! You are busy!!!!!! I love the picture of the two of you!!!! Best of success in all your ventures!!!!!

9:23 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Hey you! Good to hear an update, was starting to worry about you! You are such a busy mommy, and you love it so that's awesome! I've been told over and over that things happen when you aren't putting so much focus on them & when you least expect it. ;)

5:23 AM  
Blogger chantal2bfit said...

Hi there! I miss you too! Sounds like you're crazy busy! Good luck with the job training, school, and the pregnancy!

5:04 AM  
Blogger Pamela said...

well hello there girl! Good to hear from you! Hope all goes well & fingers are crossed that a cycle all on your own is a good start!

12:36 PM  

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