Friday, January 20, 2006

Day 19

I hate working biceps. I always suck it up and then once you get that burn it is all over. Yeah love the burn. It flicks that switch, game on how much can I make this hurt.

Well, been an odd day. I was meeting Danny for lunch, but at the last min. They sent them an hour early. It really bummed me out. I even did my hair and put some effort into getting dressed. Made lunch and packed my gym bag. Maybe next week we will make it up there. I can not believe it is Friday already. Most of you are ending your week. You must love Fridays. For me it is the start of my work week. Hope you all have a great weekend!!

lat wide grip pull down 30x77lb 16x87 10x97
one arm dumbbell row 15x30lb 12x35lb 8x40lb
bent over dumbbell lat raise 15x17.5lb diaper time 20x20lb 8x25
standing barbell 25x30lb 16x35lb 10x40lb
incline dumbbell curl 20x17.5lb 15x20lb 8x25lb
hammer curl 12x12.5lb
assist pull up x8

1. Oatmeal egg white
2. Oatmeal egg white
3. Tuna on salad carrots
4. Chicken sweet potato
5. Fish & broccoli
6. 1 cup cottage cheese


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ugh, when we're all going're probably saying fu#k it's Friday!!! Don't work too hard this week-end!

1:14 PM  
Blogger Steven said...

Keep kickin' ass on those bi's. You'll have to show us the guns.

Now its just about Sunday night, the dreaded back to work tomorrow feeling is setting in.

2:13 PM  

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