Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dear fitness buddies

I need some advice. It is the end of a challenge here and I don't know what to do next. I have been still working out and eating "on plan". I just don't know if I should sign up to do another challenge. Me and Danny are trying to get pregnant. I went off the pill in January. I am looking to stay fit and strong. I intend to keep up with my workouts as much as possible while pregnant. I know I will back off, I do remember the overwhelming tiredness the first trimester brings. I herd you shouldn't cut fat while trying to get pregnant. I thought I should just aim to maintain. I sure could lose some of this gigantic leg muscle. LOL no really my legs feel huge. Maybe I should give myself a challenge that involved my diet and exercise and not BF% and pictures. So, hoping for some advice on how I should go about a challenge or not. I want any and all opinions because I'm not sure what the best plan is. I know lots of athletes get pregnant and not sure if they just keep up there routine. Hmm what to do?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would stick to your own plan. You followed a pre-set challenge plan well, so using the know-how to build your own plan, or manipulate an existing formula, could be a good learning curve, as you then know what works and doesn't work.

You might be best to go on a cutting plan for now, until you are confirmed pregnant.

So keep the diet as lean as possible, which means quality lean Protein sources, Complex Carbs, and Fatty Acids, with a few Starchy Carbs here and there.

If you don't already, eat 6 small to medium sized meals a day, to give your Metabolism something to do. every 3 hours, gives you a 15 hour daily window to eat / drink.

I would also work out your Base Metabolic Rate, (the minimum caloric requirement daily to keep the Metabolism healthy).

This is calculated simply by the ratio of 10 calories per lb of bodyweight.

So someone who weighs 110 lbs, needs minimum 1,100 calories a day, but allow if possible another 100-200 because of caloric burn from Cardio, and to be on the safe side, because you'd find it hard to get bang on the BMR, and you'd be better going around 100-200 calories over then 100 under a day.

I would do Cardio first thing if you can, to burn into the fat stores, as you won't burn calories on an empty stomach.

Something like interval works well, for me personally, I use an Eexercise Bike, but your machine of choice will be more then sufficient.

I suggest maintaining a rep range of around 15-18 reps per muscle group, with weights, using enough weight to hopefully start feeling "the burn", though that is a build up of lactic acid, not a fat burn sensation, but it should signal, that your training is going well, and you're not using too light a weight.

You shouldn't feel the burn too much, or go to failure though.

If you want any more opinions other than blogger peoples opinions, try my new site I've listed on my blog, or put this URL in favourites.


You're more than welcome anytime, just about anybody is, and although I'm just over a week old, there are a few knowledgeable people I can vouch for, and one or two members you might recognise too, so stop by if you want more than just opnions off bloggers.

If not no worries :-).

Take care and GOOD LUCK, you can do it Mari, just keep your chin up, be strong, and believe in yourself.

You're a winner, and deserve to feel proud.


3:31 PM  
Blogger Wolfie said...

I think you should focus more on eating healthy and not worry so much about cutting fat if you are trying to conceive. The excercise, you can take one day at a time.

6:52 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

I'd have to say that I agree with Jennifer... keep the diet healthy but allow the body a "good" environment to concieve....& supplementing with folic acid is always helpful too! :)

7:13 PM  
Blogger chantal2bfit said...

Several fit people that I know continue to work out while pregnant. For exercising, my advice is to take it one day at a time and to consult your doctor as to what would be an acceptable level of exercising. A friend of mine who's a runner was told by her doctor that she can continue running as long as she wear a heart monitor and keeps heart rate at a certain level (can't remember what). She stopped exercising when she got to a point where just walking was elevating her heart rate to her max level. For eating, I would stick with the EFL plan.

Good luck with the baby plan! I'm very excited for you!

8:07 AM  
Blogger carolakabb said...

you'll be in Pembroke in June?! I am the next town over!

12:40 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Ditto what Rod said :)

I agree that you probably shouldn't worry about cutting when trying to conceive. I'm no fertility specialist or anything, just think you should stick to EFL meals, proper portions, lots of water, and folic acid! I certainly don't think this is the time to worry about cutting or dieting. Proper nutrition is most important and as far as exercising, my Dr. had said if a woman has been exercising previously then it is safe, just not safe to start something new. Also, monitor the heart rate. Good luck Mari and keep us posted! :)

9:01 PM  
Blogger Hypertrophy said...

I think you should absolutely just focus on being as healthy as possible for the pregnancy/baby ....

of course we expect progress pics throughout ! :)

5:15 AM  
Blogger Laurie said...

I've told myself if I get pregnant again, I would definitely eat better than last time (EFL I think is a great way to continue - you only need an extra 300 calories a day which is a glass of OJ) and I would definitely work out more. My dr said to keep my heart rate no higher than 140 and only lift like 15 lbs, I've since read that the American Obstericains Society or whomever has update that information and it's much more livable. 140 was walking for me. I've heard just don't get out of breath to the point you're breathing hard, because the baby's really not getting any.

My two cents worth - good luck!


7:35 PM  

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