Friday, November 04, 2005

I decided to get myself into better shape, so I pulled up my 12 week picture. I was going to plan my workout routine and do some food planning Monday. I had to bake a birthday cake for my cousin Nikkei and Danny today. My Aunt called me this morning asking for a cake for tomorrow and I work 16 hours on the weekend so I had to get it done. I through on my jeans and baahhh! dam they were tight. I knew I had to get moving but what a reality check. Things have just been crazy lately with Uncle Levs funeral and doctor appointments for all three of us. I am getting tired just thinking about it. So I talked to Danny I have to say I am very lucky Danny supports me 100% in everything I do. Sometimes I don't give him enough credit and I assume he will not be behind me on some stuff or think my opinion is dumb, but he always shows me. I think I would prefer to get my workout done first thing in the morning I wanted to give myself a set time to go. The problem was Natasha gets up at 7 or 8 and Danny works at 1pm. I ran the idea by him asked if he wanted me to go at 9am or 8am. I did not feel right telling him I wanted to go at 8 every morning because then he would never get to sleep in. He has Natasha all weekend and he would have her every morning while I was at the gym. Well, he offered to get up so I can go every morning at 8am. He said I could do what ever I felt would work best. Thanks to my sweetheart I get to roll out of bed and go. I got both cakes baked Nikkie is turning 18 and wanted a peanut butter oreo cake. Danny will be 26 Monday, he want carrot cake and I have to go whip up some cream cheese frosting. Well I have an up coming Christmas party and some tight jeans to get me motivated. Lori (my sister) is going to the gym near me she has some free passes so we can go together some. That will be fun for us. She is moving home in Dec. back to Massachusetts. I told her I would help her so I am driving her home Dec 19th and then flying back. I am going to miss her, but the job market is better there and she has a place to stay already. Oh and I get her bench and her stepper since we can not fit everything in the car so bonus for me. With Danny's birthday being Monday he has the day off. We will go to lunch probably UNOs his favorite. We are having cake in the evening with some family and then meeting some friends for the game.

Ok just lost the end of my blog some how I stink at this web site stuff. I am going to make forsting and get to bed I ahve a long weekend. Here is a picture of Natasha getting ready to turn in after a long day. Nothing like a cup of milk and a rock in the chair to end the night. I will have my plan ready. Good night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww, what a little doll! :)

9:18 PM  
Blogger Janel said...

Sounds like you have your craziness under control. What a sweet hubby you have to sacrifice his mornings for you. That is great. A smart guys knows, when the momma is happy, everybody's happy!!

9:57 PM  
Blogger PartTimeMom said...

I do the same thing - I don't always give my honey credit for his ability to support me. glad your sweetie surprised you and congrats on having new motivation.

8:43 AM  
Blogger Wolfie said...


She's just adorable! Thank your lucky stars, it sounds like you've got a wonderful husband! I know I feel blessed to have my hubby's support in everything! Looks like I got it right this time around!

4:28 PM  
Blogger Christie said...

Mari, good for you on the gym thing, and dang girl...what a great pic from the last post, smokin hot girl...and what an adorable munchkin on this post...awwwwwwwwww....hugs, you will get those jeans looser girl...

8:24 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

I also have to comment on the pic from the previous! Smokin! I was just checkin in to say I hope day#1 of hell diet is going well!! Can't wait to hear what you think and how you're doing!!

8:44 AM  

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