Friday, October 21, 2005

2 Days away :)

Well I am ready for the 1/2 marathon. I know what I am wearing, to bad it is going to be cold and rainy. I go to Detroit tomorrow to get my bib and race packet. I hope we are not gone all day it is not often that I get to take a weekend off and with Danny working evenings we never have diner together. I am going with Linda from work she is running too. She is bringing her 2 girls, so it is a girl thing. My last run was great at about 7 miles in 56min. I am not running today or tomorrow so that I can rest my shins. Clint my physical therapist said I will be soar after the race to hold off running for at least a week. Hopefully with enough rest I can get the shin pain to stop. It is doing much better and when I am warmed up the pain goes away and definitely not as intense.

I told Danny today that we need date night back. It is real hard to have time for just the 2 of use when we work opposite schedules. We never have the same day off and I am gone for 16 hours at a time and he is out of the house during the week by 12pm. So along with a crap date life are sex life is not that better. It seems like it is always something. So we are working on that. I get home from Boston Thursday so we are going out to the post when Natasha goes to bed. Danny has the night off and his Dad is going to be staying here for the long weekend, so he is going to keep an eye on Natasha. Danny took his birthday off Nov. 7th and I do not know yet what I should do for his birthday. Our anniversary is Nov. 17th so we are defiantly going out that night. I called Danny at work and told him he had to come home because I was husband sick, it is like home sick but you miss your husband LOL. He got a kick out of it, I sure wish he could fly home with me. Well I am going to pack I fly out Monday and I do not want to worry about packing. I will still have to pack for Natasha but it wont take long.

Today was good not as emotional as past few days felt like a regular old day. The funeral was today my mom has been calling everyday but with all the family together they are keeping each other busy.


Blogger Christie said...

Hey Mari...Wow...a half marathon, you go girl...that is awesome. Hang in there with the hubby thing...(i'm gonna have to steal the whole "husband sick" thing...CUTE!!) Also, I am so sorry to read about your uncle, I will pray for you and your family.

8:35 AM  
Blogger Lori said...

You're going to Boston? I love Boston. I went twice this year already.

I know what you mean about the long hours and different schedules. It's difficult. You even have to schedule when you are going to have sex. LOL


9:48 PM  

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