sad day
I do not no where to start. My Uncle Leverett was murdered Friday morning. I found out last night. It took the police a day to identify his body. He was found Friday afternoon when a dumpster was dumped into the Taunton land fill. They police kept calling my grandma asking questions. They wanted her to tell them whet his tattoos looked like. An autopsy was done, and he died from blunt trauma to the chest and then his body was dumped into a dumpster. My mom said they are holding his body in Boston till they are done collecting evidence. We do not know when we will be having the funeral. I will have to wait for some dates so I can book a flight to Boston. Me and Natasha will stay at my moms. Danny has to work and we can not afford to buy two tickets. The thought of going without him makes me sick to my stomach. My twin sister will be going with us so that will help I think. But I want Danny with me. I made it through my 16 hour day at work today. The morning was rough and I found myself crying randomly between patients. It did not help that Sundays I work alone, so nobody was there to distract me. Well I felt like I had to get that out. Natasha woke up at 3am and then I had trouble falling back to sleep. I get up at 4:30am to get to work, so it has been a long day. My eyes feel like sand paper. Not that I am in the habit of sticking sand paper in my eyes. Danny and Natasha are sick soar throats and coughing. Danny has to be careful because of his asthma he closes up quick when he is sick. I have to take Natasha into the doctor in the morning, she seems to be getting worse instead of better. OK I better try to got to bed. Good night.
I'm so sorry, Mari, That is horrible! Ill be thinking of you and your family. Hang i there and get some sleep!! BIG HUG
Very sorry to hear about your loss. I wish you and your family the best.
Thank you everyone.
I did a google search and found the story in a local paper.
Here is the link if you are intrested.
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