Thursday, December 22, 2005


Seven Things To Do Before I Die
1. Travel outside the country
2. Run my own MRI center
3. Run a marathon
4. Learn to cycle
5. Become a strong swimmer
6. Do a triathalon
7. Ride a hot air balloon

Seven Things I Cannot Do
1. A cartwheel
2. Spell
3. I can not crack my knuckles
4. Rollerblading, I have roller sneakers
5. Carry a tune
6. Go anywhere without getting lost
7. Fly a plane

Seven Things That I Admire in Others
1. Humor
2. Compassion
3. Honesty
4. Determination
5. Outgoing people(someone willing to put them selves out there)
6. Positive outlook
7. Healthy life style

Seven Things I Say Most Often
1. Im sorry
2. Like
3. I love you
4. What do you say
5. Shit
6. Excuse me
7. Im cold

Seven Books I Love
1. Da Vinci code
2. Jackdaws
3. Life Expectancy
4. Mirror Image
5. Interview with a Vampire
6. Fear Nothing
7. Seize the Night

Seven Movies I Have Watched Over and Over Again
1. The Rock
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Mulan
4. Behind Enemy Lines
5. The Crow
6. The Family Man
7. Bad Boys

Seven People I Want to Join in Too
1. I
2. Think
3. I
4. am
5. the
6. last
7. one


Blogger Janel said...

Hey I LOVE your video! I amy have to copy you....hmmmm. That song can get me to my 10's every time!! We are all FIGHTERS! Love it!

9:35 PM  

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